I do not want to pretend to be superhuman. Fact is: I am not (surprise!). And I am glad I am not. This is a journey that will surely get me to my limits, physically, emotionally. While I did a fair amount of traveling, a lot of it solo, in more than 40 countries all over the world (mostly in the developing world), this bike expedition is a feat I have never attempted. There will be intense phases of loneliness, of despair, of exhaustion. There will be times when I do not know how on earth to continue. When I will be ready to just give up. But I know that I won’t. It is also this aspect that I want to share with you.
I also want to show that it is possible to live your dream, if you believe in it. It is always you who has to believe it first. I have no prior experience in actual long-distance cycling. I have never been in an environment where I will be facing the elements, but deprived of the company of people close to me for such an extended period of time. But I utterly believe in learning. That humans can learn a lot, anything really, by just deciding to do it.
This is my second long overland trip, but the first fueled by my own legs. The first really long solo adventure. And it leads over some of the roughest terrain that the world has to offer, including the challenges involved in visa hassle.
It took me some years to stand up to my desire and the grandeur of this thought. But there is no gentle dipping my feet into the ice-cold water. In the end, it is about gathering my courage, taking a run-up and jumping into the adventure head-first.
I would be delighted if you joined me virtually for this adventure!