Exploring the Beauty of the World:
Solo. By Bike. As a Woman.
+++ NEWS: Reisevorträge im April! +++
Zum Frühlingsstart halte ich zwei online-Reisevorträge außer der Reihe – lasst euch das nicht entgehen und sichert euch direkt euer Ticket!
Sonntag, 07. April 2024
19:00 Uhr – 21:00 Uhr
(Hier geht’s zu deinem Ticket auf Eventbrite!)
Sonntag, 21. April 2024,
19:00 Uhr – 21:00 Uhr
(Hier geht’s zu deinem Ticket auf Eventbrite!)
Im Anschluss an den Vortrag (90 Minuten) gibt es genügend Zeit für eure Fragen. Ich freue mich schon sehr auf euch!
Ich bin gerade im Endspurt für mein Buch über meine Radreise durch den Iran – bis zur Veröffentlichung wird es daher sonst erstmal keine Reisevorträge von mir geben. Sichert euch daher am besten gleich euer Ticket!
Wie kam’s zu den Vorträgen? Ich wurde in der Radio-Sendung “Mein Abenteuer” von RPR1 interviewt zu meiner Radexpedition durch Asien und den Nahen Osten. Dabei hatte ich soviel Freude, dass ich mich entschieden habe, eine kurze Verschnaufpause von meinem Buch zu nehmen und mit euch nochmal visuell einzutauchen in meine Rad-Expedition mit ihren wunderbaren Momenten. Seid dabei!
Welcome – Willkommen!
Mein Name ist Anne und ich erkunde die Welt auf langsame, bewusste Weise: Auf dem Landweg. Alleine. Mit dem Fahrrad. Meine Erlebnisse teile ich als Autorin, Fotografin und Vortragende.
Inspiriert von den alten Seidenstraßen radelte ich anderthalb Jahre lang solo durch Asien und den Nahen Osten. Geschichten und Fotografie von meiner Expedition findet ihr auf meinem Blog. In meinem Video-Podcast teile ich mich euch, was ich unterwegs gelernt habe.
Inspiration, Entschleunigung und einen Blick für das Wesentliche im Leben – all das findet ihr in meinen mitreißenden Multimedia-Vorträgen, wunderschönen Fotografie-Drucken und meinem bald erscheinenden Buch “Unveiled in Iran”, das von den Menschen im Iran erzählt und von meiner solo-Radreise durch das Land.
Ride along!
My name is Anne and I explore the world in a slow, conscious way: Traveling overland. Solo. By bicycle. I share my experiences as an author, photographer and public speaker.
Inspired by the ancient Silk Roads, I spent a year and a half cycling solo through Asia and the Middle East. You find stories and photos from my expedition on my blog. In my video podcast I share with you what I learned on the road.
Inspiration, deceleration and an eye for what’s essential in life – you find all that in my immersive multimedia talks, stunning photography prints and my upcoming book “Unveiled in Iran”, which tells about the people in Iran and my bike trip through the country.
Ride along!
Upcoming Book
Great news! My book is about to be launched:
“Unveiled in Iran: A Woman’s Solo Cycling Expedition”
My travel memoir is based on the six weeks I spent exploring Iran solo by bicycle. It is written from my perspective, that of a Western woman. Until I encountered an inner rebel I didn’t know existed—and started cycling disguised as a man, even though I risked getting into prison for it.
A travel memoir on the surface, “Iran Unveiled” illuminates what it means to live under an authoritarian regime and how Iranians courageously create pockets of freedom even under the greatest repressions.
I’ve been working on this book for years and would never have thought that it would suddenly become so relevant. Seeing how courageously Iranians stand up for women’s rights in Iran fills me with deep respect and awe. I would feel honored if my book could help to raise awareness for their heroic fight.
Jin, Jiyan, Azadî!
Women, Life, Freedom!
PS: To see the book trailer, check out my book page. You missed the crowdfunding but want to hear when the book launches? Join my newsletter to stay in the loop!
Video Podcast
During my bike expedition, I learned how to handle social isolation, insecurities, and limitations. Sounds similar to the current challenges, doesn’t it?
Thus, I switch sides and am now in front of my camera for my video podcast “Insights from Solitude”. In each episode, I share another mental concept that I found valuable in handling such challenges. All well sprinkled with stories from my bike expedition, of course.
You can find the episodes on my youtube channel, on my facebook page or here on my website (with transcripts). Enjoy!
Travel reports
Amazing stories, travel reports and stunning photography from the road! You find all of this here on my blog.
The road is teaching me a lot. Every single mountain pass and every desert crossed. The solitude, the silence. So did the countless people who helped me out. Complete strangers who just invited me into their homes, offering me food and shelter. Oftentimes, the most generous people are those who have little to share. I have rarely felt as grateful in my life. I am happy to share these stories with you, stories of wonder and beauty, of solitude and trust. But also the dark side, the despair and the pain, that is part of any journey, sometimes.
Postcards from the Saddle
How about sending some inspiration to your friends and family? Now is your chance – a little selection of my best photographs from the saddle went into print as postcards! Five photos is not enough to do justice to the wonderful landscapes and great people of Asia and the Middle East. Still, I hope they’ll bring the same joy to you as they did to me when I first laid my eyes on these extraordinary places.
Learn more
About this trip.
About me.